Ivan Machado

Associate Professor  •  Institute of Computing •  Federal University of Bahia, BR


I'm an Associate Professor at the Institute of Computing (IC) of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and a CNPq productivity fellow (Level 2). At UFBA, I lead the Applied Research in Software Engineering Laboratory (ARIES LAB). 

My broad research area is Software Engineering, and my main research interests include:

Since 2024, I have been an Editorial Board Member of Elsevier's Information and Software Technology journal (IST). Since 2022, I have been an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Since 2020,  I have been an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE).

In the last decade, I've been a referee for top-leading journals such as Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software, Empirical Software Engineering, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, among others. Additionally, I've been serving as a PC Member of software engineering conferences like MSR, SANER, CIBSE, and SPLC, to name a few, and the Brazilian conferences in the field: SBES, SBQS, and SAST.

Contact me at ivan • machado (at) ufba • br

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Address: Instituto de Computação (PAF 2) - UFBA Campus Ondina, Av. Milton Santos s/n, Salvador, BA, Brazil - ZIP 40170-110